Offbeat Sparks


An event made to facilitate networking and exchange ideas that inform, inspire, and innovate the future of learning. 10 speakers - 5 minutes each - dozens of awesome ideas. See you next time, Berlin community!

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The story in pictures


What did people say?

Each presentation was five minutes and one (GASP 🙀) question. Fresh, scrappy, and no bloat. I strongly urge any #LearningAndDevelopment professional to subscribe to their newsletter and heck, join their community!

Yesterday, I attended the Offbeat Sparks @Berlin event 😍 In less than two hours, we had the chance to enjoy ten presentations – an ambitious schedule, brilliantly executed! Many thanks to Lavinia for making it all happen, and it was a pleasure to meet you in person.

L&D has always been one of my favorite topics within the People, Culture & Talent space. Hence, joining a meetup with such energizing and inspiring speakers was a real joy! Thanks Babbel and Offbeat for hosting and organizing it!

A big thank you to our speakers

We chose some of the coolest people we know and we're offering them the stage to share dozens of awesome ideas to inform, inspire and innovate the future of learning and L&D.

Ribana, Offbeat Sparks Berlin Speaker

Ribana Mos

Senior Learning Partner at Doctolib

Talk: Empathy-Driven Learning: Cultivating a User-First mindset

Empathy-Driven Learning: Cultivating a User-First mindset

"Emotions are powerful. Emotions grab our attention and keep our interest. Emotions motivate us, inspire us, and move us to action. We connect, understand, and remember things much more deeply when our emotions are involved", JFD. Ribana will talk to us about a learning experience meant to connect Doctolib employees to the company's mission and users (healthcare practitioners) through the power of emotions. The experience resembled an interactive museum, making use of an immersive environment that the learners could explore and interact with.

Venla, Offbeat Sparks Berlin Speaker

Venla Hakunti

Learning & Development Manager at Marley Spoon

Talk: Strengths are your superpower

Strengths are your superpower

What is a strength? How does it differ from capabilities and abilities? How to discover and develop one’s strengths and why? Venla will explore the power and importance of a strengths approach in organizations and leadership, a personal story, and a strengths framework from Cappfinity.

Eugen, Offbeat Sparks Berlin Speaker

Eugen Buica

Head of Talent Development CoE at AVIV Group

Talk: Career development: employee experience or business strategy?

Career development: employee experience or business strategy?

Eugen will present the approach used to build up a Career Development System as a strategy to increase employee retention, but also to ensure the necessary talent for our scale up plans.

Alison, Offbeat Sparks Berlin Speaker

Alison JY Lee

Learning Lead at Urchin Insights

Talk: A new era of soft skill development

A new era of soft skill development

Imagine a world where people seek to understand each other and work together to make amazing things happen. AI is here to make turning that dream into reality easier and more affordable than ever before. Join Alison to see real-examples of how all this it's being done today.

Milica, Offbeat Sparks Berlin Speaker


Learning and Development Manager at Publicis Sapient

Talk: Getting the seat at the table. A real talk.

Getting the seat at the table. A real talk.

Why do organizations allocate abundant resources to measure hiring costs but fall short in ensuring quality training? Could it be due to how traditional accounting views employee development, likening it to a mere cost? This mindset could explain why there's a gap in sufficient training, even when its advantages are clear. When businesses bypass investing in L&D, it's a missed opportunity for both growth and talent retention. Let's explore how changing this perspective can foster a culture of continuous learning, ultimately benefiting organizations, teams, and individual employees. Only then can we start thinking of getting a real seat at a real table.

Madlen, Offbeat Sparks Berlin Speaker

Madlen Medina

Co-Founder at Employee Experience Design Lab

Talk: Creating belonging with social learning formats during onboarding

Creating belonging with social learning formats during onboarding

Madlen will share examples of how they used social learning formats during onboarding to help new hires experience the company culture and embody the mindset and behaviors that will make them thrive in it, all while building the relationships that ultimately make them feel part of the company and inspire them to build their careers there.

Maria, Offbeat Sparks Berlin Speaker

Maria Galan

People Marketing Lead at Avi Medical

Talk: How to regain our sense of direction when we are feeling lost

How to regain our sense of direction when we are feeling lost

Picture this: you're standing at a crossroads in life, uncertain of which way to turn. To make matters worse, you’ve been having this sense of disorientation for some time, making you feel stuck in a continuous state of in-betweenness with no way out. As humans, we are averse to feeling and being lost. However, as humans, we are also remarkable wayfinders, drawing our strength and sense of direction from the very uncertainty that surrounds us. In this 5-min. talk, we'll look at the fascinating interplay between wayfinding and liminality and how the answers to our navigation challenges have been right within us or around us all along.

Moritz, Offbeat Sparks Berlin Speaker

Moritz Ettl

Co-Founder and Managing Director at Forever Day One

Talk: The self-directed learner trumps everything

The self-directed learner trumps everything

On our journey exploring innovative learning spaces worldwide, we've gathered valuable insights: There's no shortage of offerings, but organizations often overlook the willingness to change. 3 reasons why progress falters: We don't want to, sometimes out of fear or a belief that our growth is limited. We think we can't, holding onto outdated learning strategies from a bygone era. We simply don't take action, lacking the right habits for change, often distracted or not reflecting enough. If any of these resonate, the prospects of Re- or Upskilling, and consequently personal transformation, are at stake. Join us to see how real change becomes possible!

Dinye Hernanda, Offbeat-Facilitator, Senior L&D Manager at HeyJobs

Dinye Hernanda

Senior L&D Manager at HeyJobs

Talk: The Future of L&D We Choose

The L&D Future We Choose

How would L&D look like in the future? How would our role evolve to support future organizations? It's very exciting to imagine how the future of L&D will unfold. But this won't be a talk where we go through the list of "Top 10 L&D Trends". That's boring. Borrowing the Backcasting Method from System Innovation, we'll try to demystify "The Future of L&D" and translate it into concrete actions that we can apply immediately. Cause guess what? The future of L&D is the one we choose to act upon.

Andrea, Offbeat Sparks Speaker.

Andrea Vimercati

Head of Training at Adjust

Talk: When Androids Come To Town

When Androids Come To Town

Adaptive learning, virtual instructors, automated content creation, learning analytics... there is no L&D door where Artificial Intelligence has not already put in a foot (or two), it's only the beginning, and it's going fast. Join for a quick lay of the land of AI and L&D - probably outdated by the time you hear it (and are androids really going to take your job?)

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