Anamaria Dorgo
Head of Community @Butter
In my current role at, my mission is to create a space where Facilitators, Workshoppers, Trainers, Design Thinkers, Innovation and Strategy Consultants can team up, share best practices, tackle challenges collectively, learn and accelerate their careers together with like-minded people. In my spare time, I am working with other talented Learning and Development professionals to turn "L&D Shakers" into a safe space, enabling and guiding L&D professionals to connect, grow and take bold actions every day. Our purpose is to enable Learning & Development Professionals to shake their personal and professional development, their organizations, communities, and the L&D world. As a freelancer, I partner with companies and NGOs to question, rethink, explore, design, implement and showcase learning experiences that are impactful and memorable.

Communities of practice. A case study

The memory of how it all started is still very much vivid. I was one year in my new role as Retail L&D Manager at Ace & Tate, and my manager told me during one of our weekly catch-ups: “I don’t have the L&D expertise to support you, but you could try to find and […]

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